
Showing posts from September, 2018


Osun State gubernatorial election comes forth on the 22nd of September 2018. I'm writing in tears filled with severe anguish of the present condition of the People of Osun State. With all the excitement of the campaigns by various political parties, some remarkable and unfortunate events still roar and causes sadness in people's mind. The state itself is in an epic dilemma, and it is faced by the conundrums the previous government left behind. The forth coming election should be a decider, a free and fair election, people's voice should count, people's votes should matter, instead the whole system turns out to look like a sham. I could remember in 2015, Mr President, during his campaign promised a free and fair election in this country. However, some people in high places, cabals, go North and South, to ensure the election results goes in their favor. The People of Osun State are scared, paranoid and has been left in oblivion without remorse. It has become an obv